Car Line Tips
We take a moment during drop-off and pick-up to verify that your student has been screened and is signed in/signed out before they enter/leave the building. This extra step is necessary to insure that all students are fully-screened and that our attendance data is correct each day. Here are some tips that you may find helpful.
⭐ Show the Success Screen - Our devices may take a few moments to reload and display after students are signed in/out. Parents are encouraged to show us the Success Screen on their phones after signing in each student if they would rather not wait for our devices to catch up.
Bookmark the Distance Drop-Off Page - Instead of using the QR code each visit, you can save the Distance Drop Off page to your iPhone Home Screen, add it to your Favorites, or Bookmark it for slightly faster access. If you need help, email Cat ( Be sure to mention which type of phone you use.
Prefill the Screening Questions - Answer the screening questions up to the temperature check while waiting in line when your car is not moving. You must wait to select Pass for temp check, though.
Prefill Pick-Up - Once you are in the car line for dismissal, you can go ahead and sign out your student for pick-up. Remember to show us your screen as your student enters the car. To avoid confusion, do not sign out your student before you reach the parking lot.
⭐ Multiple Children, Multiple Windows - Try opening multiple windows, pages, or tabs simultaneously to prefill the questions for your students. Some of our parents of multiple children find it helpful to open a separate tab for each child and answer the screening questions while waiting in line.
Most of these tips came from MMS parents. If you have any other tips to share, email Cat (