Extracurricular Basics

Sunfish Theatre’s Erin Lindberg with MMS Elementary Theatre (Improv) students after a performance in December 2019.

Sunfish Theatre’s Erin Lindberg with MMS Elementary Theatre (Improv) students after a performance in December 2019.

NOTE: Extracurriculars have been suspended for the 2020-2021 school year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Extracurricular classes for Spring 2020 include Acting (Primary), Acting (Elementary), and Chess Club (Elementary). Soccer Shots (Primary) will also be offered when the weather gets warmer.

  • Extracurricular classes take place on site, but are usually offered by community partners. Registration and payment are generally handled by the business offering the class (such as Sunfish Children's Theatre, Mid-South Chess, Soccer Shots, etc.).

  • Students are checked into Extended Day where they are supervised until their extracurricular class begins at 4:00.

  • IMPORTANT: Students should bring an extra snack to have after school and before their extracurricular begins.

  • Extracurricular Pick-Up: The car line for extracurricular pick up forms at the side door (on the east side of the building) and exits on Galloway.