Online Resources
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Resources to Support Remote Learning & Social Distancing
The MMS Library Online Resources page has recently been updated to include additional resources of interest to our families including authoritative sites for research, online story times and activities, as well as access to e-books, digital audiobooks, and magazines for everyone in the family.
If you have any questions about anything library, please email Cat (
Memphis Public Library Digital Resources
Favorite MPL digital resources of interest to the entire family
E-Books & Digital Audiobooks: Download the Libby app. You'll need your library card number and PIN (your PIN is most likely the last four digits of the your library card number).
Magazines: From the eCollection page you can access 3000+ different magazine titles. Bilingual folks, you can use a filter to display magazine titles available in your language of choice, too. You'll need a library card number and I think you'll need to set up a free account.
MPL News Stand: With your library card number you can read the New York Times and the Commercial Appeal online.
WYPL & TV 18: Listen to WYPL Radio or Watch TV 18 online. WYPL FM offers programming as a reading service [volunteers reading books and newspapers] and your Memphis music connection. The Library Channel is the Memphis Libraries’ government access and community interest station.…/voices-9…/search
901 Voices: Do you like StoryCorps? Try listening to some of these Memphis and Shelby County oral histories.…/voices-9…/search
Learn: There is simply too much to list here. The Learn page has links to research databases and other learning resources. I personally enjoy Transparent Language for foreign language learning; for gaining new tech skills, or improving existing ones; and I love browsing Dig Memphis Digital Archives, which has some fascinating collections--topics range from Memphis Restaurant Menus to the Sanitation Strike.
Children - Learn: If you want to add some variety to your kids' screen time allotment, here are some educational and engaging options to peruse. World Book, for one, offers games, puzzles, and ebooks in addition to age-appropriate encyclopedia entries.
Online Story Time
Memphis Public Libraries Librarians
MPL librarians have begun live-streaming story time stories and songs. Catch them live on Facebook around 11 AM.
Watch via Memphis Public Libraries on Facebook.
Watch via Memphis Public Libraries on Facebook
Many will recognize Ms. Amy from Benjamin L Hooks Central Library reading Down by the Station by Jennifer Riggs Vetter.
Our friend Anna, from Connect Crew, sings songs and reads a bilingual book: Freight Train/Tren de Carga by Donald Crews.
Authors Read Their Works & Share Fun Activities
The Big List of Children’s Book Authors Doing Online Read-Alouds & Activities- From We Are Teachers, features links to read-alouds and activities from picture books through Young Adult authors. Includes some of Midtown Montessori School students’ favorite authors and books.
Gale’s Kids InfoBits
World Book Encyclopedia
Note: World Book & Gale resources linked on this page are made available through the Tennessee Electronic Library. When accessing these resources you may be prompted for your city and zip code as proof of residence. Visit Memphis Public Libraries >Learn>Children’s Services>Research & Learning to access the resources listed below (and more).
To Access: Visit the Learn section of the Memphis Public Libraries' website.
To Access: Visit the Learn section of the Memphis Public Libraries' website.
E-books, articles, encyclopedia entries, and multimedia resources covering elementary school topics.
Gale Kids InfoBits
To Access: Visit the Learn section of the Memphis Public Libraries' website.
Biographical Resources
Check World Book and Kid’s Infobits for additional biographical information.
Biographies available through the Midtown Montessori School Library.
Biographies for children available through Memphis Public Libraries.
Primary Resources
Digitized copies of original documents and materials of historical significance from a variety of authoritative sources.