Drop Off / Pick Up Basics - Updated for 2021-2022
Midtown Montessori/Trinity United Methodist Parking Lot - Enter behind the building from Forest Avenue. Drop off at side entrance on the east side of the building. Exit onto Galloway Avenue.WHEN:
PRIMARY: 8:00-8:15 AM
ELEMENTARY: 8:15 - 8:30 AM*
PRIMARY: 3:15-3:30 PM
ELEMENTARY: 3:30-3:45 PM*
*For families with children in multiple environments, the earliest time assigned time for drop off & pick up should be used. For example, if a family has a child in Redbud and Magnolia, the drop off and pick up times for all children in that family is the Redbud time.ARRIVING LATE: Students are considered tardy if they arrive after their drop-off/pick-up window.
TARDY ARRIVAL ENTRANCE: If arriving after the car line has ended, please park and bring your student(s) to the side door (on the east side of the building). Ring the doorbell to alert the office.
ARRIVALS AFTER 9:30 AM: Students arriving more than one hour late will NOT be admitted to class unless they have documentation regarding a doctor/dentist/specialist appointment.
SNACK/LAUNDRY/ETC: If your family has signed up to bring items to school (flowers, pet food, etc.), MMS staff will be expecting those items during drop off.
WALKING: Please wait near the side entrance and maintain an appropriate distance. Your student(s) will be signed in when there is a break in the car line.
MESSAGES FOR TEACHERS/OFFICE: Please try to avoid leaving verbal messages during car line. It is best to send information directly to the teachers or office via email or phone.
PARENT HANDBOOK: Read the MMS Parent Handbook for more details.