MMS Library Guidelines

Recently Updated for the 2020-2021 Academic Year

In addition to existing behavior guidelines for the Midtown Montessori School community, the following guidelines apply to the use of library materials at Midtown Montessori School.


Due to the pandemic, each student and each family account may only check out one Midtown Montessori School library material at the same time (until further notice).

Magnolia students may request to check out more than one item at a time, if there is a compelling reason. Their request should be directed to the lead guides.

The loan period is two weeks unless otherwise specified. 

Materials may be renewed unless on hold by another user.

Materials on Loan from Memphis Public Libraries

Materials on loan through Memphis Public Libraries must be limited to one item at a time, unless permitted by librarian/teacher. These materials are subject to a shorter loan period--between 14-20 days. Renewals are possible, but not guaranteed.

Materials on loan through Memphis Public Libraries cannot be taken home without the notification and approval of the MMS librarian and the student’s guardians.

Public Library Outings

NOTE: Public Library Outings have been temporarily suspended because of public health concerns. We look forward to resuming the visits once it is safe to do so again.

The purpose of these weekly small group outings is to provide one-on-one and small group library instruction. Students are expected to adhere to the MMS Behavior Guidelines during library outings in order to continue to enjoy this privilege.

Books checked out during library outings should support students’ research or otherwise align with school specifications. Books not typically permitted in the classroom will not be checked out during library trips. Students are encouraged to visit the public library with their families to check out any type of book they wish to read at home.

Lost or Damaged Books or Materials

As with any other materials or property of the school, users are expected to treat library materials with care. The cost and effort of replacement is the obligation of the student/family member responsible for loss or damage of books or materials.